Building Possibilities.

For Today. For Tomorrow. For Good

We provide infrastructure solutions that support a truly African economic renaissance for today, while delivering long lasting value for tomorrow by harnessing the power of working infrastructure to help Africans fulfil their aspirations

Who we are

Equitable access for all is what drives us

At STROM, we believe in harnessing the power of possibilities to create a sustainable future for every African. We are dedicated to delivering one working infrastructure at a time, transforming communities, unlocking opportunities and building possibilities

Our Journey so far

Years of combined expertise in infrastructure development and utility management
Power plant
0 0
Number of cities
where we operate
0 0
Estimated value of impact
driven investment
US$ 0 bn
sectors of interest
0 0
0 0
Years of combined expertise in infrastructure development and utility management
Power plant
0 0
Number of cities
where we operate
0 0
Estimated value of impact driven investment
US$ 0 m
sectors of interest
0 0
0 0

Our Interests

Powering progress and prosperity in communities across Africa

Strom Power

We believe that STROM Power’s impact is beyond just lighting a bulb. By supplying power, we promote economic development and open doors for local communities to prosper

The goal is to enable individuals and groups to realize their maximum potential. We are dedicated about creating infrastructure solutions that enable access to dependable and reasonably priced power, whether it comes from conventional or renewable power producing techniques


Strom Infrastructure

At STROM Infrastructure, we are driven by the belief that every African deserves the opportunity to realize their aspirations

We understand that sustainable and resilient infrastructure is the foundation for progress and economic growth. That’s why we invest in key infrastructures that unlock the potential of African communities and empower individuals to thrive.


Strom Communities

 Zero emissions is where we’re going. We have a strong commitment to preserving the environment and guarding the earth

Sustainability in our opinion, benefits not only the environment but also communities where we work and our stakeholder interests. As a fundamental investment and engagement principle, we use resources sustainably, cut back on waste, and limit our carbon footprint for the good of all


Our Portfolio

Explore our portfolio companies transforming communities and igniting progress across Africa

Our Team

We have an end-to-end solutions driven team in the infrastructure value chain that creates value for our stakeholders

Meet the outstanding people who make STROM successful. Our multifaceted team of experts combines knowledge from numerous backgrounds and works collaboratively to promote significant value and provide long-lasting solutions. Learn more about the enthusiasm of our team members

Engineering Services

Associate, Human Resources & Corporate Administration

Associate, Finance Operations & Accounting Services


Thought Leadership

November 5, 2024

Introduction To do this, Nigeria relies on its vast natural endowments including natural gas and petroleum to fuel thermal power plants, rivers, and vast inland water bodies to provide energy…

October 24, 2023

In a nation brimming with energy resources, Nigeria stands on the cusp of a transformative journey—one that could propel it to new heights of diversification and regional influence. With large…

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